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Discovery in a Night Walk (the story behind the art)

I had a dream I was walking at night. I wouldn't typically do that. The inability to see is a deterrent. Believing there is wonder out there, it was explored through more artistic avenues.

A Luna moth is a vibrant green and one wouldn't think such a creature was created for darkness, but there she is. She's also known as the "American moon moth"

During a nighttime stroll, she encountered a glowing light and briefly interacted with a resident of that place who was drawn to her. This may never reoccur... so we pause. This is "Luna's" story.

Portrait of a woman with a Luna Moth
"Luna" by Artist Tina Lawver

She craves adventure, vibrant hues, and light in shadowy corners. Unafraid of the unfamiliar, she eagerly embraces it as exploration fuels her drive. Encountering a pink, Rosy moth is her delightful surprise, revealing shared characteristics. "Rose's" tale

Portrait of a Woman with a Rosy Moth
"Rose" a painting by artist, Tina Lawver

What is consistent with each piece, is that there is a story. In each brushstroke, a story unfolds.

The hope in creating art is that there will be a connection to an image that becomes a reminder of the hope and love and care of how the viewer is valued, an encouragement that there is more, that adventure and discovery is an amazing pursuit. To know that we are created for purpose and how that purpose leads to incredible moments, not just for us, but for those we'll touch as we live it out.

At a fine art show this past weekend, I listened to you as you commented and interacted with the art. I heard "mystical", "spiritual", and "magical"....all words that took me a bit by surprise. As I've evaluated this in the days since, prayed, and asked for guidance on the message of my work, I realize it makes sense. Though I've never sought out to create mystical or magical art and certainly not "spiritual" art as the world might define it, I do see how those descriptions point to a need, a longing, even a desire in the human soul for something more than this temporary world can provide.

I'm reminded how we were created for a much more perfect place, a garden where death, sin, destruction, separation, and strife are non existent. Our souls long for that home and we are always in search of it whether we are conscience of it or not.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that "He has made everything appropriate in it's time. He has also set eternity in their heart, without the possibility that mankind will find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end" (NASB)

Imagine Heaven, the garden, how perfectly beautiful and peace filled and how moments and interactions like these images must be commonplace.

Thank You my Savior, Jesus, for making a way.

Tina Lawver is an Ohio based Artist creating original works for home and public spaces.

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