When I get into the process of creating a painting, in my heart, I have a knowing that the process and the journey is for me...but the finished piece is for someone else.
Someone out there is longing for this image.
Within each mark, in the laying down of paint is a message someone wants to make a part of their life, their story.
Some may look at this statement and think, Wow...Arrogance?
or is it confidence in purpose?
The Artist surrendered to this, knowing that the time they spend in the studio is intentional, purposeful, and has the potential to encourage, lift up, and be a part of someone's story in a meaningful way, changes the whole creative process. It changes from making pretty things to creating lasting, even eternal images, that evoke emotion, affirm, and breathe life into someone.
Yes, that's what I believe art can do. I've been on both sides of this experience.
Why would an artist spend 40 hours a week, pouring their heart out in color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value....
with the intention of working all of it together to create...
balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity and movement??
the goal is that all of these elements of art would flow harmoniously in the direction of loving on someone that we may have not even met yet.
How divine.
A few weeks ago, a lovely woman walked into my booth at a fine art show. She connected immediately with a piece and then we began a conversation that very quickly broke the surface and got deep.

She asked me questions about a few pieces, but not the typical questions. Questions like "What were you thinking about when you painted this?" and she pointed, not to just the painting as a whole, but to a stroke that was in the painting. I was wow'd by that and grateful to have the opportunity to share. Looking at that particular brushstroke brought back the moment it was executed. That one stroke meant something to me and it was part of what meant something to her.
Love these moments. At this particular show, this happened several times and I felt at home.
It's amazing when someone views your work and tells you a story about something you, the artist, created. For me, it's a sense of completion. That's when I know that I've met the person who, in the process, I knew for whom this particular piece was created.
It's such a connection and so moving and an experience that breathes life back into me.
I received a beautiful note yesterday from her. She chose a collection of pieces that day that had a deep meaning to her. She sent me a photo of how she displayed them.
(with her consent, I share)
(left to right..."Affirmation", "Empathy", "Warrior")

...as well as her personal thoughts on them as a collection. (beautifully written MRJ)

With a grateful heart,
